Posts by Collection



A Wind–Wave-Dependent Sea Spray Volume Flux Model Based on Field Experiments

Published in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021

This paper is about the construction of a novel Sea Spray Volume Flux Model based on unique field experiments.

Recommended citation: Xu, X.; Voermans, J.J.; Ma, H.; Guan, C.; Babanin, A.V. A Wind–Wave-Dependent Sea Spray Volume Flux Model Based on Field Experiments. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 1168.

Impacts of the Wave-Dependent Sea Spray Parameterizations on Air–Sea–Wave Coupled Modeling under an Idealized Tropical Cyclone

Published in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021

This paper is about the idealized Tropical Cyclone modelling test with the implementation of a sea spray scheme.

Recommended citation: Xu, X.; Voermans, J.J.; Liu, Q.; Moon, I.-J.; Guan, C.; Babanin, A.V. Impacts of the Wave-Dependent Sea Spray Parameterizations on Air–Sea–Wave Coupled Modeling under an Idealized Tropical Cyclone. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 1390.

Sea spray induced air-sea heat and salt fluxes based on the wavesteepness-dependent sea spray model

Published in Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022

This paper is about the estimation of sea spray induced air-sea heat and salt fluxes.

Recommended citation: Xu Xingkun, Voermans Joey J., Guan Changlong, Babanin Alexander V. 2023. Sea spray induced air-sea heat and salt fluxes based on the wave-steepness-dependent sea spray model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 42(5): 1–7, doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2073-68

Validity of the wave stationarity assumption on estimates of wave attenuation in sea ice: toward a method for wave–ice attenuation observations at global scales

Published in Journal of Glaciology, 2022

This paper is about the validation of the wave stationarity assumption.

Recommended citation: Voermans JJ, Xu X, Babanin AV (2022). Validity of the wave stationarity assumption on estimates of wave attenuation in sea ice: toward a method for wave–ice attenuation observations at global scales. Journal of Glaciology 1–8.

Sea Spray Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Olwyn Using a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave Model

Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2022

This paper is about the Tropical Cyclone Olwyn modelling with the inclusion of impacts of breaking-wave-induced additional momentum and heat turbulent fluxes.

Recommended citation: Xu, X., Voermans, J. J., Moon, I.-J., Liu, Q., Guan, C., & Babanin, A. V. (2022). Sea spray impacts on Tropical Cyclone Olwyn using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018557.

The impact of spume droplets induced by the bag-breakup mechanism on Tropical Cyclone modeling

Published in Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022

This paper is about Tropical Cyclone modeling with the inclusion of the bag-breakup mechanism.

Recommended citation: Xu X, Voermans J, Waseda T, Moon I-J, Liu Q and Babanin AV (2023) The impact of spume droplets induced by the bagbreakup mechanism on tropical cyclone modeling.Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1133149. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1133149

Tropical Cyclone Modeling With the Inclusion of Wave Coupled Processes: Sea Spray and Wave Turbulence

Published in Geophysical Research Letters, 2023

This paper is about full-year hindcast of Tropical Cyclones in western Australia by incorporating wave-related processes.

Recommended citation: Xu, X., Voermans, J. J., Zhang, W., Zhao, B., Qiao, F., Liu, Q., et al. (2023). Tropical Cyclone modeling with the inclusion of wave-coupled processes: Sea spray and wave turbulence. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL106536.

Energy flux variations and safety assessment of offshore wind and wave resources during typhoons in the northern South China Sea

Published in Ocean Engineering, 2024

This paper is about the energy flux variations and safety assessment of offshore wind and wave resources.

Recommended citation: Wen Y, Xu X, Waseda T, et al. Energy flux variations and safety assessment of offshore wind and wave resources during typhoons in the northern South China Sea[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 302: 117683.

An Integrated Approach for the Decision of Wave Energy Converter Deployment Based on Forty-Five-Years High-Resolution Wave Modeling

Published in Energy, 2024

High-resolution wave energy potential is assessed across the entire southern and eastern Asian seas; The study evaluates exploitable wave energy, total regional productivity, and stability across 10 different wave energy converters; An integrated approach is proposed for selecting optimal locations for wave energy converter farms.

Recommended citation: Xu, X., Sasmal, K., Wen, Y., Xu, H., Ma, P., Tkalich, P., Lin, P. (2024). An integrated approach for the decision of wave energy converter deployment based on forty-five-years high-resolution wave climate modeling. Energy, 132238.


Wave-Coupled Effects in the CO2 Exchange and Spray Production near the Ocean Interface & Short-term wave and ice forecast for navigation assistance in the Arctic Ocean


  • Co-Author: Session 3 (Part 2): Wave-coupled effects in gas transfer and aerosol production and other processes where ocean waves are relevant (Wave-Coupled Effects in the CO2 Exchange and Spray Production near the Ocean Interface)
  • Co-Author: Session 5: Wave-sea-ice interactions (Short-term wave and ice forecast for navigation assistance in the Arctic Ocean)


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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