Talks and presentations

Wave-Coupled Effects in the CO2 Exchange and Spray Production near the Ocean Interface & Short-term wave and ice forecast for navigation assistance in the Arctic Ocean

April 10, 2024

Workshop, 5th workshop on waves and wave-coupled processes., Reading, United Kingdom

  • Co-Author: Session 3 (Part 2): Wave-coupled effects in gas transfer and aerosol production and other processes where ocean waves are relevant (Wave-Coupled Effects in the CO2 Exchange and Spray Production near the Ocean Interface)
  • Co-Author: Session 5: Wave-sea-ice interactions (Short-term wave and ice forecast for navigation assistance in the Arctic Ocean)

Wave-Coupled Effects in the CO2 Exchange and Spray Production near the Ocean Interface

September 05, 2022

Workshop, Cross-linking lab and field measurements and numerical modeling to identify and quantify the mechanisms of air-sea gas transfer., Heidelberg University, German

In the presentation, we look at the role of waves and wave breaking (wave energy dissipation) in CO2 exchange and spray production, across the full range of Metocean conditions from light to strong winds. More information here